My HCG Diet Update

I've been on the HCG diet for 18 days now and I have lost 16 lbs. Not quite a pound a day as anticipated, but still not a bad showing for rapid weight loss. I know, some of you are not of the opinion that rapid is good, but if I don't do rapid, I don't do, so this is my best option. For others it may be better to do slow. There's no saying that a quick loss means I'll gain it all back. For as quick as this works in a 40 day plan, I can do this any time I have a weight gain.

I had some questions privately emailed to me and here's what I told her.

Q: Do you feel hungry all the time?
A: No. Sometimes at night, while lying in bed, I'll have some of those hunger pangs (after all my last meal was hours earlier), but drinking some water takes them away and before long I'm asleep.

Q: How do you manage to get through a day with other people eating around you?
A: I have a unique situation. I work at home, and all my family went on the diet together, so even when we're around each other, none of us are eating unless it's our mealtime.

Q: Do you feel tired all the time?
A: Not all the time. The first week was the hardest, but then those periods of lethargy went away and now I actually less tired than before the diet. I think the HCG has something in it that helps.

Until my next update, happy eating :-)



  1. Congrats, Brenda. Your health is really good so a fast loss over the short term like 40 days isn't likely to do you lasting harm.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Brenda. I'm considering the HCG diet, too. I'll keep following your progress.


    1. I've been on different diets for decades and this is the first that really shows fast results. Good luck.

  3. I've never heard of it but I wish you the best. I don't know about you but I'm seriously tired of fighting this battle. I'm reading a book called Dr. A's Habits of Health and he explains how it's not our fault we're fat. Our bodies fight us every step of the way to hold onto fat. My experience certainly supports that! #:0) But hopefully I'll learn something to help with the battle. If I do I'll share.

    1. I'm with you, tired of fighting this battle. While it is partly genetics, it's also my own fault, for indulging in too much good food. Hopefully, I'll lose everything I want and not backslide by over-indulging in the goodies again.

  4. Hi Brenda,

    I'm always seem to be dieting. Faster is always better or you want to give up. Hope this one works for you.

    Best of luck

    1. I've spent more of my life on diets than not. I think faster IS better.

  5. Congratulations on your success so far. :) I'm fighting the same battle. While I haven't been dieting, I've been making healthier choices for more than a year. It has taken me a year to lose 27 lbs. Weight loss does not come easily for me. The only thing that works for me is working out really hard. I stepped up my workout and dropped 2 more lbs. in a week, bringing me to 29 lbs. Working out every day can get old. But on the positive side, I may get my six pack back by the end of the year. LOL

    1. I should be making healthier choices, but I do love my french fries and mashed potates :-) I'd lose more if I worked out, but I can't find the time. I have one of those hectic schedules that doesn't allow me to steal even 30 minutes from. If I do find 30, I use it for writing. Gook luck with the 6 pk, that's something I know I'll never see on me :-)

  6. Congrats! Keep up the hard work.. I'm thinking about going back on it.. I just couldnt handle my mood swings at the time.. I don't have issue with knuckling down.. I did a carb diet a few years back n lost like 75 lbs in 4 mo.. I was stoked! Kept off for quite a while n got in a posititon where couldn't afford to buy seperate food for me n everyone else.. yep that killed it! Keep us posted!

  7. No mood swings. The buying food is the easy with us all on the diet together. Good luck.

  8. I have a coworker that just finished a set and she lost 26 pounds but she isn't very big to begin with. I myself joined this year and they teach you about healthy eating and the importance of exercise and toning. There are a lot of motivational stories there and people do keep the weight off because they learn a healthy lifestyle. The low carb, low fat diets just mess up your hormones and send your body out of wack-I should know I followed them mostly for years being a diabetic, but I found myself moody, a beeotch and going into metapause at the age of 44-not cool. Now I eat loooots of fresh fruits and vegetables and have lower blood glucose reading then I've had for the last 5 years restricting my carbohydrates. I have lost 10 pounds in less than 2 months and feel great. Carolyn

    1. Sounds as if you've found the right path for you. That's the key to weightloss, liking the way that works. :-)
